I've had my ah-so for years. Always comes in handy when extracting older corks. It's cheap too! Mine cost about $8, you can find in most wine retail shops or on-line.
Also known as butler's friend or "Ah-So", the twin-prong cork puller can extract a stopper without damaging it, to allow for sampling the wine before re-inserting the stopper. The stopper is removed by pushing the prongs between the cork and the neck of the bottle, and twisting the stopper out of the bottle. Replacing the stopper involves taking it between the two prongs, then twisting it into the bottle and pulling out the prongs.
After cutting and removing the capsule, wipe the neck and top of cork with a cloth.
Insert the prongs in-between the cork and neck of bottle.
It may take a little wiggle, wiggle to get the prongs all the way down. ei
Begin pulling the cork and turning at the same time. Slowly....slowly, you don't want to create a vacume and suck out wine.
This is what the cork looks like once it's almost out.
Voila, an old cork should remain in tact, without crumbling or breaking. (too much)