Finalist and their cocktail.
- Ahmad Williams
- Allie Kim
- Amit Gilad
- Bobby Murphy
- Brian Johnston
- Casey Ellis
- Chad Hauge
- Christian Hetter
- Colin Dennis
- Eric McMillan
- Graham Heubach
- Greg Fleming
- Jarmel Doss
- Javier Arroyo
- Jennifer Knott
- Jess Keene
- Justin Kaderabek
- Melissa Pinkerton
- Priscilla De Luna
- Rachel Miller
- Ruthie Bisek
- Sam Lyden
- Samuel Troelstrup
- Zachary Heller
1.5 oz London no. 3 Gin
0.5 oz St. George spiced pear liqueur
0.75 oz fresh lime juice
0.5 oz 1:1 simple syrup
3 dashes of Bitter Truth Celery bitters
0.25 oz Germaine Robin Absinthe rinse